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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Our Governors

Your views and opinions about the school are important to us as governors.  We work with the school to continue to improve the opportunities, experiences and environment for the children at Whitewater.

Please feel free to approach any of us via the school office, or in person when we are in school.

The current membership of the Governing Body is set out below: 

Chair of Governors

Laura Neaves

Vice Chair

Stephen Davies

Executive Headteacher

Glen Golding

Executive Head of School Steve Moore

Parent Governors

Harriet Christmas

Laura Neaves
Carole Maleczek

Mark Berridge

Robert Lea

LA Governor

Kelly Hursey

Foundation Governors

Revd Marion deQuidt

Stephen Davies

Co-Opted Governors

Jo Hunt

Steve Moore

Staff Governor

Amelia Pettitt

  Associate Governor  

Clerk to the Governing Body

Amanda Sims


The Governors  meet collectively as a Full Governing Body (FGB) six times per year, meeting once in every half term.  The FGB delegates various functions to sub-committees, including:

  • the Teaching and Learning Committee (meets six times per year; once every half term),
  • the Finance and Personnel Committee (meets four times per year),
  • the Headteacher Performance Management Review Committee (meets four times per year),
  • as well as other working groups such as the Policy Management Working Group (meets three times per year).

The minutes of FGB meetings are available in the school office by request.