School Improvement
Each year following in an in-depth self-evaluation process involving a range of stakeholders we identify our school improvement priorities. These prioritise form the basis of our school improvement plan.
School Improvement Priorities 2021 –2022
Teaching & Learning
- To establish a clear philosophy for teaching and learning (The Whitewater Way) including Tool Kit of Strategies
- Introduce the Learning Pit to support self-assessment and the building of resilience.
- To improve the quality of Assessment for Learning in English and Mathematics to ensure that the level of challenge is appropriate for all learners
- To ensure that Phonics and Early Reading are taught to a high standard across Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1
- To improve the quality of teaching and learning of writing
Supporting Disadvantaged Pupils
- Ensure the quality of teaching and learning for our most vulnerable children is of a consistently high standard
- Ensure that all current children with Education Health Care Plans are receiving high quality support and that all children who are on the SEN register are having their needs met enabling them to make good progress
- To ensure that all systems and processes connected to identification and provision are clear, purposeful, support transition and are shared with parents.
- Ensure that the schools PP plan and Catch-up plans are robust and targeted in the right areas based on both internal monitoring and external research.
Curriculum Development
- Ensure all Staff and Governors are aware of the school’s curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
- To ensure that there is full coverage of the curriculum in a progressive and engaging way
- To ensure that there is high quality teaching and learning across all subjects
- To ensure Subject leaders are impacting the quality of provision for their subject across the school
- To ensure all subjects provide opportunities to develop and reinforce core English and Mathematic skills whilst maintaining the integrity of the foundation subjects objective.
Leadership & Management
- To establish clear and effective systems of self-evaluation, improvement planning and monitoring
- To further develop the abilities and impact of Subject Leaders.
- To further increase the Governing Bodies ability to challenge and support the strategic direction of the school
Working with Parents
- To improve communication with parents
- To increase parents ability to support their child’s learning at home
- To increase parent’s knowledge of what their children are learning and the progress they are making.