Pupil Voice
School Council:
The School Council is a very important part of our whole school community and gives the children an opportunity to raise issues and generate ideas on how to improve our school. Two children from each year group are elected onto the Council, which is chaired by two members of Year Six. Another member of Year 6 is elected as the School Council Secretary and their role is to record the minutes of the weekly meetings and share them with the whole school in assembly time. Many decisions and actions are taken by the School Council each year, including nominating the charity of the year ( Blue Cross), organising charity days, fun competitions, liaising with the School Cook over lunch menus, establishing playtime charters, interviewing new staff and many more.
The Eco-Council is a group of children, with representatives from all age groups, who are working towards making our school more eco - friendly. So far we are delighted to have achieved The Eco-School Bronze Award by forming a committee, drawing up an action plan, holding a whole school Eco-Week, maintaining our message board and running several environmental projects within school. We are now working towards the Silver Award.
We would like to say congratulations to Eva for winning the Eco-Council logo competition with her brilliant design based on the school badge and all the other class winners.
We have planted some saplings donated by Tylney Hall. First we planted some trees out on the field and we watered them. Some of the saplings were: dogwood, crab apple, hawthorn and hazel. We planted them because we thought it would look nice on the field and it would increase our bio diversity.
Then we had a second period of planting and the whole school got involved - but we didn’t plant trees we planted seeds, including lettuce, carrots, radishes and peas. The Tylney Hall gardeners also helped by filling our raised beds with new compost.
Thank you to Tylney Hall for helping us with this project.
JRSO (Junior Road Safety Officers):
The school has four JRSOs whose aim is to raise awareness about staying safe on our streets. They have run a Be Bright Be Seen campaign featuring a focus assembly and competition. Future projects include teaching the school about the Green Cross Code, why seatbelts are important and encouraging safe parking outside our school.
Our children are encouraged to take on a wide range of responsibilities. In Year Six applications are invited for the posts of House Captains, Sports Captains, School Council Joint Chair, School Council Secretary, Assembly Monitors and School Librarians. Year Six also undertake Young Leaders training so that they may practise their skills of organisation and leadership with the younger children through planning a range of playtime activities.