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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Hopes and dreams

June Home Learning Update  -  Hot from the press!

Our Home Learning  letter outlining  expectations and resources for this new half term was sent out  by parent mail yesterday. We have uploaded a copy of the letter onto the bottom of our class page for your information.

Good Morning All!

A mite cooler this morning and already some very welcome drops of rain that all our garden plants have been crying out for! It is amazing how the weather can change so much in just 12 hours. At 6pm  yesterday evening we were sitting in warm sunshine and at 6am this morning there were dark skies and the smell of rain in the air.  By 7am it was raining gently. Take this opportunity if you can to go out into your garden or a green space near you and experience the different smells and scents brought about by the moist air and raindrops.

Changing the subject completely for our blog today, JK Rowling created an amazing world of magic and thrilling adventure when she wrote the Harry Potter series of books more than 20 years ago. A whole generation of children grew up dreaming of receiving a letter of acceptance from Hogwarts at the end of Year 6 and becoming students of magic and wizardry instead of going to their local secondary school! What books or series of books have you become immersed in and hooked by? What hopes and dreams did they evoke in you? Does anyone recognise the picture on our blog this morning?

Enjoy your day and we look forward to hearing from you!


  • Ela 5 years ago
    Good morning Everyone, I think that the picture looks like the inside of a time capsual because you can kind of see a clock looking thing at the back of it stay safe from Ela
  • Fox Oliver 5 years ago
    Hello Mrs B and Mrs L a series of books i have been hooked by is Guinness word records with all the amazing achievements and the magnificent facts every year there is a new book names Guinness world records (year) there are thousands of amazing things to learn. Guinness world records books has been running an sensational 65 years!
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 5 years ago
    Hi Ela, it's interesting and very close that you think that the picture looks like the inside of a time capsule and that you spotted the 'clock'. Well done and have a great day,
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 5 years ago
    Hi Oliver, Wow! We didn't realise the Guinness book of Records has been going for so long. We're wondering, what is the weirdest or most memorable world record that you have read about? Do tell!
  • Fox Aston 5 years ago
    Hello everybody The picture is of the Hogwarts clock. I have read lots of book series including the Caption underpants books,Marvel books, Michael Morpurgo books and the Storey Treehouse books. They are all exciting and some are funny. I would like a Treehouse in my garden and to go on some adventures. Have a nice day. 📚🦄
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 5 years ago
    Hi there Aston! Wow - you are so observant - it is the Hogwart's clock! The Storey Treehouse series of books look amazing - especially the Maze of Doom 'a maze so complicated that nobody who has gone in has ever come out again . . . well, not yet anyway . . .' Scarey! It sounds as if the stories have really fired your imagination about going on your own adventures. You enjoy your day too!
  • Fox Esme 5 years ago
    Hi Mrs L and Mrs B, me and my mum think that it looks a bit like the compass in the book, Northern Lights. It also looks a bit like an inside of a clock. From Esme
  • Fox John 5 years ago
    Hello everyone, I have been reading a series of books called “The boy who biked the world” by Alastair Humphreys. It is an amazing story which has me hooked. I highly recommend it. It makes me dream of going to cool places around the World like New york, the Sahara and The Taj Mahal. Best wishes, Johnny👦🏼. Ps. I think that pic is the Hogwarts clock
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 5 years ago
    Hi Esme! It certainly does look like a golden compass (alethiometer) too! I really loved reading Northern Lights and would love to have a daemon of my very own in the form of an otter, as they are a favourite animal of mine. If you had a daemon, what animal would it be?
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 5 years ago
    Hi Johnny - great to hear from you! It would be great to visit the places that you mention, especially the Taj Mahal because it is so beautiful . You too are spot on when you say that the picture is the Hogwart's clock - 10/10!Take care,

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