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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School


Thursday 25th June 2020

Today sitting in class at 8:30 and I already feel like I am cooking! I want to know some facts about this weather. Can you tell me what the hottest temperature is? What country is the warmest? Any facts about the heat or weather. 

Finally, could you tell me about an invention you would make to keep yourself cool? 

Have a great day, enjoy the sun and stay safe. 

From a very warm Mr Ralph

  • Mrs Overton 4 years ago
    It is very very hot. Some of you hedgehogs will know that one of my grown-up daughters usually lives and works in Tanzania, East Africa. Because of Covid she and her husband are staying with us in Hook. Today it is the same temperature in Hook as in Musoma, where her home is and she is finally warm enough to wear summer clothes!
  • Hedgehog Ethan 4 years ago
    Hi Mr Ralph, did you know that the hottest ever recorded temperature was 56.7°C, on the 10th July 1913 and in California Death Valley? I would create a robot that would: 1. Put water all over your house 2. Put your clothes in the fridge and finally 3. Instead of your Mum doing it, it would put the sprinkler, paddling pool and water slide out for you! Enjoy the weather. Ethan
  • Mr Ralph 4 years ago
    Hi Ethan, I didn't know that was the hottest temperature. I couldn't imagine how hot that would be!I have been to death valley and it is pretty crazy. That invention sounds brilliant and it is really nice of you looking out for your mum as well. Enjoy your evening, from Mr Ralph

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