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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

What time?

Friday 12th June 2020

Time seems like a peculiar thing some days it feels like it goes in the blink of an eye and other days it feels like they will last forever. If you could live in a different time period of year what one would it be? Would you like to live 1000 years in the future to see what happens? Live millions of years in the past to see dinosaurs? live to see the Romans, Greek empire, Egyptians or Anglo saxons? Or would you live in 2019 before this madness started? 

  • Tilly 4 years ago
    Hi mr ralph i would live about 10 years in th future so i could see my friends without having to social distance and me and holly are meeting up at the park and i also did the lavalamp experiment and it worked Tilly
  • Mr Ralph 4 years ago
    Good morning Tilly, I think that would be a great idea and it would be so nice to see friends again. I am glad it worked how does it work? What colour did you make yours? Have a good day from Mr Ralph
  • Hedgehog Ethan 4 years ago
    Hi Mr Ralph, I would go back to the Jurassic age of the dinosaurs and see the biggest creatures to walk the planet, some 35m long! The sauropod is the most fantastic including, Brachiosaurus, Diplodocus, Argentinosaurus (the biggest but the Diplodocus is also known as the biggest) and a few others. I would love a pet Iguanodon. IT ALL WOULD BE AWESOME!!! Have a good weekend. From Ethan.
  • Mr Ralph 4 years ago
    Good afternoon Ethan, wow that is a terrifying length imagine one of those chasing you! Your knowledge of dinosaurs is very impressive we will have to try and do some more tasks around them. Have you seen draw with rob on youtube? He shows you how to draw cartoon dinosaurs which we have been doing in class today. Have a good day Mr Ralph
  • Hedgehog Ethan 4 years ago
    Hi Mr Ralph, I have seen draw with rob and we were part of the world record, the world record was the biggest online drawing section and we did it! There were 45611 people. From Ethan.

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