Thursday Thunk
Dear Otters,
Wow, wow, WOW! You have come together to write a very beautiful peace poem. Thank you to all of you for having a go. Remember to check our class page on VE Day to see it completely finished.
I was so happy to hear from a few Otters who haven't commented on the blog before - hello and welcome! I'd love to hear more about what you've been up to, so feel free to leave me a non-Thunk-related message in the comments.
As today is Thursday we have a new Thunk. I can't wait to hear what you think!
Could you get some sky into your pocket?
Love from,
Ms Lamble
P.S. Apologies that the class page and blog have been updated a little later than usual today - I didn't have any Internet this morning!
REMINDER: As tomorrow is a bank holiday there won't be any suggested daily activities or blog posts on our website.
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