SEN (Special Educational Needs)
Our Inclusive Culture:
At Whitewater Church of England Primary School, we share four core values for inclusion:
a) Providing high quality teaching and learning for all
b) Places the learner at its centre
c) Sharing responsibility and collective accountability
d) Working in partnership
We believe that each child should be valued as an individual and be able to achieve their fullest potential. In all schools many children require some level of support during their time in education. Early intervention is vital as it enables children to feel proud of their progress and small concerns are dealt with before they become complex issues.
We use a range of ideas and approaches to ensure everything possible is done to make the learning experiences both inclusive and effective for children or groups:
- with special or additional educational needs
- identified as Pupil Premium/FSM
- with, social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) and behaviour difficulties
- deemed gifted and talented
- who are recognised as ‘In care’ or 'Looked After' by the local authority
- whose first language is not English
- from gypsy, roma, traveller communities
- who experience long term illness
To do this, our attention needs to be on everyone’s progress and development and not on their limitations. So we will stop thinking, writing and talking about students as if we know how much ‘ability’ they have. Young people develop at different rates in different ways, and continually surprise us. We cannot possibly know what you might be capable of. We actively avoid the use of words like ‘bright’, ‘able’ or ‘weak’. We will write reports and participate in professional conversations that are based on the progress the child is making and what they are achieving.
We aim to ensure that we are effective in delivering high quality teaching and learning for all of its pupils and the community it serves by:
- developing a sense of belonging for all
- ensuring early and complete identification of any additional needs
- the entitlement of pupils to full participation in achieving their potential
- providing access to all aspects of school life
- making and sustaining a commitment to overcoming any barriers to learning, access or belonging
- building an inclusive ethos
Please see our SEND Policy and Information Report below for more information.
The Hampshire Local offer page can be found here.