It is our intent for the Science element of the Whitewater school curriculum to inspire pupils with a curiosity and fascination about the world and beyond. We need to foster the children's sense of wonder at the beauty of the world around them. It is important to develop investigative and problem-solving skills to promote an understanding and knowledge of their world using different scales of enquiry; this is assisted by the clear progression of skills. We need to help them understand comparative and fair tests. Through scientific enquiry and investigation, the children will encounter challenges, theories and draw conclusions, further deepening their inquisitiveness.
The Whitewater scientist will endeavour to observe and ask questions, think about science in the world around us, link their growing knowledge to everyday life, work safely and understand dangers, test out their ideas in an organised manner and use scientific knowledge to explain their findings.
At Whitewater, we have designed our Science curriculum on a two-year cycle. The Roadmap shows the journey that our children take as they progress through school. Our Science curriculum is progressive, broad and engaging.