Our School
Historically the vision for Church of England schools has been to serve their local community by ensuring that all children regardless of background have access to a quality education underpinned by Christian values. Today, this vision still holds true for us at Whitewater C of E Primary School.
The values of Love, Respect and Courage guide the decisions we make whilst we strive to create a School where children can flourish academically, socially and morally.
Through our core Christian values of love, respect and courage, we aim for our children to feel love for themselves, for others and the world around them; to be brave, knowing that mistakes are expected, respected and part of learning; to understand they have the power to make a positive contribution to God’s world.
The hopes and aspirations that we have for your children are conveyed through our bespoke curriculum and Collective Worship. Both help to equip the children with knowledge, skills and learning behaviours that will serve them well throughout their lives: They help to provide opportunities to question, reflect, evaluate and gain a sense of awe and wonder from the world around us.