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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Thursday 18th June2020

Happenstance and coincidences.

Good Morning!

All that talk about rain yesterday seems to have had a very coincidental effect on the weather, doesn't it?  Get in touch with us today and tell us about any happenstances or odd coincidences that you have experienced.  In the meantime, stay dry!


  • Ela 4 years ago
    Hi, our rabbit got scared and started kicking around so she had to sleep in my sisters room and we found out it was a huge rat and we put bate in our garden and the bate and rat was gona this morning! From Ela Stay safe and dry!😂
  • Mrs L & Mrs B 4 years ago
    Hi Ela, Oooer - we don't like the thought of huge rats scaring your cute rabbit. We're pleased to hear that it had gone by this morning. Today has been very wet and we have had to dodge the rain drops when we went out to play but it was worth it to get a change of scene and some fresh air. Hope you have had a good day!

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