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Whitewater CE Primary School

Whitewater CE Primary School

Patience ​​​​​​​

Thursday 14th May 2020

Patience is a value that we are have developed over the last 55 days since schools closed. I can’t quite believe that number and I can’t wait for schools to start again. Patience is very important it makes us all appreciate the world around us, helps us the be thankful for what we have, and it gives us an opportunity to think and reflect. Without patience we can rush into things, make bad decisions and not be thankful for what we have.

Patience shapes talent into achievement everyone you meet and know all has a talent and by being patient and working hard on it you can achieve anything. When I was in school, I struggled with English and now its my favourite subject because I worked hard, and I was patient.

When is a time you have been patient? When have you found something difficult but achieved it by taking your time? How many talents will you nurture through patience?  

Life is not about living in the future or in the past. Life is about accepting the present moment. Be patient this will end, and we will all able to see others and play and learn.

  • Hedgehog Toby 5 years ago
    Hi Mr Ralph, I have to patient during the day when my mum and dad are working and in meetings. I have to wait for them to finished so we can play or go on walks and bike rides. Bye, Toby
  • Hedgehog Ethan 5 years ago
    Hi Mr Ralph, I have been patient really recently and that is when Esme was giving mummy a singing lesson (she is OK at singing but needs as much help as she can get) and I wanted to give Esme and mummy a football lesson but I waited. Have a nice day. from Ethan😎.
  • Hedgehog Holly 5 years ago
    Hi Mr Ralph My Daddy has bought us a netball ring to play with during lockdown. I have been practicing shooting the ball into the hoop which is 10 feet high and I can now do it! I have also done a painting by numbers picture of a red panda which took a lot of patience. And I have been training my dog Willow to jump over a high cushion when I tell her to. From Holly
  • Mrs Jolliffe 5 years ago
    Hi Hedgehog Class, I have been very patient waiting for our Hyacinth to grow since we planted it in our science lesson a long time ago. I shared a collage recently with a photo of it growing. I will send a recent photo of it looking beautiful and it has the most amazing purple colour. I am glad I didn't give up watering it. I received a message from Beau who is learning about perennials and how to plant them and look after them. She has patiently read the labels and chosen the combinations & planted them all by herself! I am reading your lovely messages and really nice to hear your stories. Well done everyone for being so patient during lockdown!

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